Under the spiritual guidance of Samani Malay Pragyaaji and Samani Neeti Pragyaji, JVB London is pleased to invite you and your family for the celebration of Paryushan Mahaparva 2024 starting from Sunday 1st September to 8th September. Paryushan is for the celebration of spiritual awareness and is one of the most important annual festivals of Jain religion.
Let us all join together to celebrate the most auspicious festival of Jainism!
Below is the detailed program for each day and how to join any event online.
A special program has been organised for the weekends on 31/08/24, 01/09/24, 07/09/24 and 08/09/24
*Lunch and dinner will be served on the weekend program with prior registration*
*Registration is compulsory – to help us estimate food requirement*
Jain World Peace Centre
8 Elm Park Road
Pinner HA5 3LA